Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Angels' sex

I promised someone to write about the sex of angels.
St. Thomas asks whether there is any creature all absolutely spiritual and incorporeal, without body, i.e. a substance so high on the nature of the body and matter, that neither she nor their operation are corporeal or exercised by any bodily organ. The solution provided fits perfectly with the statement, is the existence of angels.

The issue of having sex with an angel is, well, very sexy, then the angels being the sum of perfection, practice with them should be wonderful. The union of perversity and innocence has always been very erotic.

Whichever the case, we do not know the abilities of angels. Given that they are very powerful and intelligent creatures, it is possible that they could manifest themselves as humans. This has been verified in scripture, as we see from the following passage: "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it" (Heb. 13:2). Since they can appear in human form unbeknownst to people, it seems that a fallen angel manifesting itself in human form would be able to have sexual relations with a person.
How about an inocent angel, to whom you pervert? Uhmm interesting ..

Female brain

Why do women cry so easily? Is there any truth to the cultural stereotype that women are more emotionally sensitive than men? According to the author of The Female BrainLouann Brizendine, women evolved to cry four times more easily than men. Women use both sides of the brain to respond to emotional experiences, while men use only one side. Break to cry often engages the male brain, but tears almost always catch by surprise the man and cause extreme discomfort. Their reaction will be:
- Why are you crying?
- Please, do not make such a fuss over nothing.
- Getting angry is a waste of time.
The male brain registers with  impotence the face of a woman in pain, this face can be extremely difficult for us to bear.