Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The mediterranean Pharmacy

Today I was surprised to see several pharmacies on strike. In the call (see photo) it argues for the stability of the Mediterranean Model Pharmacy.
Amazing. I had heard of the Mediterranean diet, but I never could imagine that pharmacies have a model "Mediterranean."
In light of how it works in Spain, the model in question I suppose is one in which:
  • the profession of pharmacist provides the best quality of life of the world as 
  • the pharmacist is not ever in the Pharmacy and, if by chance you find him - because he has just arrived to empty the cash register - he doesn't know the characteristics of the medication he is selling or can give, therefore, any advice;
  • pharmacies are transferred at fabulous prices, because supply (permits for more pharmacies) is limited by law, and demand (incumbent pharmacists) is practically unlimited;
  • pharmacies are inherited from parent to child, like real estate;
  • although it is illegal, they dispense without a prescription anything, including antibiotics;
  • they sell things that have nothing do with the pharmacy, such as sunglasses and cosmetics;
  • with recipes (red) of Grandfather, which are free, the whole family is served and the pharmacist looks the other way.
This is therefore the mediterranean model: little effort, high return, no control, waste of resources and nepotism. 


Dedicated to my friend Salvador Ferrando
The Osservatore Romano, with occasion 0f José Saramago's death, emphasizes the "anti-religious ideology" of "a man and an intellectual lacking any metaphysical ability, (and who lived) "grabbed all the way to his persistent faith in historical materialism, aka Marxism " In short, his writting, was marked by "the trivialization of the sacred" and "libertarian materialism" radicalized over the years.
I think the Vatican is making a compliment to the author. Just for having no religious ideology, Saramago was a respected intellectual. The burden of prejudice that leads to believe in a number of things that have no proof, to follow the dictates of an abstract and omiscient being, whose will and doctrine have been interpreted differently by the illuminated clerics, limits - if not nullifies - the ability of judgement of any so-called intellectual.
If we consider metaphysics a branch of philosophy concerned to explain the fundamental nature of self and the world, no doubt that Saramago was a man of great metaphysic ability. Saramago was a spiritual man, but not religious.
Having read Saramago's works, there is no wonder he won the Nobel prize for literature. I would be surprised, however, that it will ever be given to a Pope, although I consider religions a branch of fiction literature.
Someone who writes better than this blogger has said this

Soldiers of cardboard and wooden crucifixes.

The soldiers make a display of juggling raising the dead Christ in the air, while singing "I'm the boyfriend of death". The scene is in a southern Spanish city. I've lived in this city during my youth and I've seen this scene several times, live. How could I have considered this normal so far? I relate it to the bullfight, another barbaric ritual.
The central theme of this picture is, therefore, death, in two ways, first, the soldiers are not scared of death, their "girlfriend" and, secondly, Christ is dead because, although he was God he became man to suffer for us. And he died. But, as God is immortal, there was no choice but to be resuscitated.
What religious absurdities! How many wars on the name of religion!
Catholics have a tradition of indulging in morbid death: is the theory of the atonement. A sinister theme, no doubt. The expiatory offerings of the Old Testament itself could not remove sin, but foreshadowed the Christ, the perfect sacrifice provided by God Himself. He took away the sins of the world and provided the basis for the forgiveness and justification of the sinner.
All these bleedings Christs capture the popular imagination. The lifting of Christ crammed the streets of Malaga.
Spain: what uncivilized rituals 

Friday, June 25, 2010

Promiscuity and Cuckold

I recently wrote a post on the reasons why society, ie men, imprison women behind veils, fences, lattices and harems. The conclusion I reached then was that sexuality and possession are the key reasons. Now, after the reading of this book, I see that, how could it be otherwise, the issue has genetic roots.
Concern about the paternity of her children is deeply ingrained in the psyche of the male or, rather, in their genes. There would be concern about the paternity if females were always faithful, but they are not.
The risk to be cuckolded, the impulse to be unfaithful and the need to reproduce, not only have opened a Pandora's box, but a whole group of them. The costs of being a cuckold is considerable. The reproductive success of a male is reduced if he invests time and energy raising children that are not his, and wastes resources that could have been used to promote his own genes or guarantee the reproductive success elsewhere.
Recommended reading: Promiscuity by Tim Birkhead.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Soldiers of cardboard and wooden crucifixes.

The soldiers make a display of juggling raising the dead Christ in the air, while singing "I'm the boyfriend of death". The scene is in a southern city of Spain. I've lived in this city during my youth and I've seen this scene several times, live. How could I have consider this normal so far? I relate it to the bullfights, another barbaric custom about death and blood.

The central theme of this picture is, therefore, death, in two ways, first, the soldiers are scared of death, their "girlfriend" and, secondly, Christ is dead because, although he was inmortal God, he became man to suffer for us. And he died. But, as God is immortal, there was no choice but to be resuscitated. Resurrection came later, for the moment we are carrying the dead body to the grave.

Catholics have a tradition of indulging in morbid death: is the theory of the atonement. A sinister theme, no doubt. The expiatory offerings of the Old Testament itself could not remove sin, but foreshadowed the Christ, the perfect sacrifice provided by God Himself. He took away the sins of the world and provided the basis for the forgiveness and justification of the sinner.

All these bleeding Christs capture the popular imagination. The lifting of  the Christ crammed the streets of Malaga.

Spain: what barbaric 

(with google translate)