Today I was surprised to see several pharmacies on strike. In the call (see photo) it argues for the stability of the Mediterranean Model Pharmacy.
Amazing. I had heard of the Mediterranean diet, but I never could imagine that pharmacies have a model "Mediterranean."
In light of how it works in Spain, the model in question I suppose is one in which:
- the profession of pharmacist provides the best quality of life of the world as
- the pharmacist is not ever in the Pharmacy and, if by chance you find him - because he has just arrived to empty the cash register - he doesn't know the characteristics of the medication he is selling or can give, therefore, any advice;
- pharmacies are transferred at fabulous prices, because supply (permits for more pharmacies) is limited by law, and demand (incumbent pharmacists) is practically unlimited;
- pharmacies are inherited from parent to child, like real estate;
- although it is illegal, they dispense without a prescription anything, including antibiotics;
- they sell things that have nothing do with the pharmacy, such as sunglasses and cosmetics;
- with recipes (red) of Grandfather, which are free, the whole family is served and the pharmacist looks the other way.
This is therefore the mediterranean model: little effort, high return, no control, waste of resources and nepotism.